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Sunday, 8 December 2013

Circular seating arrangement question Few facing inside & few facing outside

Q.8 friends A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circular table.Three of them are facing outward.C facing centre.E is sitting 3rd to the right of C.F is sitting 3rd left of E.Three persons are sitting between F and B..G is sitting 3rd to the right of F.D is sitting 3rd to the right of A,who is not an immediate neighbor of E.The immediate neighbours of E are facing centre.The immediate neighbours of D are not facing inside.

1.     C facing centre.E is sitting 3rd to the right of C, HERE I havn’t mentioned the direction of E.
2.     F is sitting 3rd left of E.If I make the direction of E towards center F & C points will coincides so direction of E will be outward.
3.     Three persons are sitting between F and B,here  the position of B will be like this.

4.     G is sitting 3rd to the right of F,Here F will be centre faced.,it can’t face outward if it is so then the position of E & G will coincides.
6.     D is sitting 3rd to the right of A,who is not an immediate neighbor of E.Here the positions of A & D will be like this & A Centre faced.
7.     The immediate neighbours of E are facing centre
9. The immediate neighbours of D are not facing inside.
10.                       According to question final figure will be like this


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. why is g facing centre?? Its not given anywhere in the question!!

    1. According to question only three people are facing outwards so G automatically faces centre.

    2. According to my solution. Three people E,H,A are sitting facing outside. And in question it is said that 3 People sits facing outside. So G faces centre.

    3. Dear because D's neighboure is not facing centr so E and H r neighbour of D soo ans clear that G is facing inside

  3. beacuse only 3 are facing outside

  4. beacuse only 3 are facing outside

  5. If E is facing outside 3rd to right of E is C not F ??? Check question and final answer?! Something is wrong.!

    1. E is sitting 3rd to the right of C.F is sitting 3rd left of E. read it again
      you'll understand

  6. sir i agree with tantra..why g facing centre and a facing out side of centre.its not given any where in the question?

  7. ten people a,b,c,d,e,v,w,x,y and z five are sitting in a circle in which some of them are facing the centre while some are facing outside the centre and five are sitting in a straight line in which some of them facing north direction while some facing south direction. a is sitting second to the left of w. b is sitting second to the right of z.c is not sitting between w and a but sitting second to the right of w.v is not the neighbour of z.d is sitting third to the left of b who is at the extreme ends.y is second to the left of a.x is not the neighbour of w and a.a is facing the centre v is not sitting in the circle .immediate neighbour of a are facing opposite direction of y only three members are facing inside the centre .immediate neighbour of z are facing opposite direction of b.v and d is facing north direction.solve this
